Sunday, October 26, 2008

And JUSTICE for All Results

Live at the BankAntlantic Center

Yet another electric WCCF card, including two Fight of the Year contenders.

Greg Sanders d. Reggie Lewis 2R 2:53 Submission via Choke
Two winless warriors fought to take the goose egg off their win column, and fought hard in this technical exhibition. Sanders' speed overcame the size of "The Big Boy", and Sanders eventually choked Reggie out.
Craig Hennisey d. OctoberRaven 2R 2:59 TKO via North/South Knees
A shocker in it's own right as everyone expected OctoberRaven to win this bout. This match was a GUSHER though, both men being cut a minuite into the fight. Hennisey came out on top, and the referee was forced to stop the match for fear of OR's safety, as he was rocked by a blow that caused him to be completely off his game for the entire second round.
Patricia Jackson d. Molly "The Hatchet" Greene R2 2:30 Submission Collar Lock
PJ earns her second win the same way she got her first: with superior ground skill. Molly did put up a great fight, delivering some quick combinations early on, but on the ground PJ had her totally outclassed.
Tetsuya Miwaki d. Jun Akitsuki R2 2:52 KO via Suplex
These two seemed so perfectly matched in their submission game that neither of them were going to get a tapout win. It came down to their other skills, and after a good exhange on the standup Miwaki threw Akitsuki like a sack of potatoes for this impressive win.
John Tunney d. Sarah Martinez R3 0:10 KO via 1-2 Combo
Intergender action here, and this one was completely down to the wire. Martinez seemed to have it in the second round with a Superman punch, but Tunney survived the ground and pound at the bell. Tunney decided the kid gloves were off, and with but two strikes sent Martinez down for the count.
Gutter d. Gina Rocelli R2 2:56 TKO via Shin Kick
Rocelli seemed to actually have Gutter's number and everyone was expecting this to be Gutter's third consecutive defeat. But nobody told Gutter she was losing the fight, because she answered Rocelli's strikes with not only some of her own but some great ground and pound action. In the end, she kicked Rocelli's shin, and the kickboxer went down clutching her leg, causing referee Big Bud to stop the match. As Gutter was not wearing foottape foul play has been ruled out, but Rocelli may have suffered a minor injury to her leg... suprising as Rocelli is famous for her leg conditioning.
"Hand of God" Micheal Norcia d. "He Is Indeed" Seth Williams R1 3:53 Submission vs Ground and Pound
Some say that Norcia had this match one sometime between the introductions and the two touching gloves. Seth did NOTHING in this fight but get destroyed, and Norcia slammed him into the mat and pounded him until Seth tapped out. Norcia racks up another dominant victory.
Alicia Gordon d. Tina "The Meana" Franklin to become the 2nd Women's Division
Champion 2R 4:11 KO via Strikes
One of the best women's fights in history, the announcers called it about 30 times before the match finally ended. It was nothing short of amazing to see these two evenly matched competitors slugging it out. In the end the two Tae Kwon Do black belts ended up not kicking each other but ELBOWING each other, Gordon getting the upper hand FROM THE BOTTOM of a guard and knocking out Franklin to secure her first MMA gold. There was a standing ovation for both women.
Corey O'Brian d. Sergei Yakolev to retain the Men's Division Champion 2R 3:30 Submission via Arm Triangle Choke
There is a ten-person jury to decide best match of the show, and this one won passed the women's match by the narrowest of margins. Yakolev used his strength and experience to gain an early upper hand, but the champ refused to say die, relying on his technique to outwrestle Yakolev. Sergei tried to mix it up with strikes, but Corey closed the distance and choked out Yakolev to win this contest and retain the Men's championship.

The show ended with three big announcements: O'Brian will headline the next show against Michael Norcia, Gutter has been given the nod to be the official top challenger for Gordon's championship, and WCCF has recruited three new names including the 6'10'' female behemoth and kickboxer "Amazon" Giselle Melendez.

Matches of the Night:
3 (Tied): Gutter/Roccelli, Martinez/Tunney
2: Gordon/Franklin
1: Yakolev/O'Brian

Thursday, October 23, 2008

And JUSTICE For All Card

The second WCCF supercard, featuring TWO title matches!
(*=Ingram's picks)
Men's Divsion Championship Match: Sergei Yakolev vs. Corey O'Brian*
Women's Division Championship Match: Alicia Gordon* vs Tina "The Meana" Franklin
Michael Norcia* vs Seth Williams
Gutter* vs Gina Rocelli
Intergender Match: Sarah Martinez vs John Tunney*
Jun Akitsuki vs Tetsuya Miwaki*
Patricia "PJ" Jackson* vs Molly "The Hatchet" Greene
October Raven* vs Craig Hennesey
Greg Sanders vs Reggie Lewis*

Saturday, October 11, 2008

WCCF: Heavy Metal Thunder

WCCF's first fight card (not counting Origin Tournament), Heavy Metal Thunder, was a great success (and it's hard to overstate my satisfaction).

Dave Roman d. Reggie Lewis: 1R 3:05- Submission by way of Leglock

HMT started out with a bang in this bout, a furious ground battle which resulted with the smaller Roman managing to lock in a submission that dislocated Reggie's knee! This was a debut for both men and this short and sweet battle was a great introduction for them to the world of MMA.

Patricia "PJ" Jackson d. Saya Kazama: 2R 1:27- Submission by way of Collar Lock

Not to be outdone, these two women grapplers showed they were capable of putting on a great show on the ground. PJ and Saya were evenly matched in the first round, but at the second round, PJ let Saya know it was past her bedtime and put her to sleep.

Michael Norcia d. Craig Hennisey 2R 0:55- Submission by way of standing guillotine

Norcia is renowned as a pro wrestler and a striker, and "The Rabid Dingo" was simply outclassed in this one. Norcia pounded Craig with brutal punches and multiple slams. The only suprise was the way Norcia won this match, with a choke instead of a knockout.

Gina Rocelli d. Sakura Kazama: 3R 0:35- KO by way of Sweep Kick

Very competitive bout that went further than any match in WCCF to date. Gina's cornerman must be from Cobra Kai, because she almost put the older Kazama sister in a bodybag after sweeping that leg. No word if there is any pain in Gina's dojo.

That's the last of the Karate Kid jokes.

This show, at least.

John Tunney d. Akira Yamazaki: 1R 4:53- Submission by way of Rear Naked Choke.

Yamazaki is one of the most experienced martial artists in WCCF and Tunney's "Pub-Fu" made him look like a total amatuer. After dropping Yamazaki with a pair of brutal sweeping punches that made Akira punch drunk, Tunney put him to sleep to end this match just before the end of the first round.

Alicia Gordon d. Sarah Martinez: 2R 0:40- KO by way of kicks.

The women's wrestling sensation planned on fighting at the "Speed of LAWL" and that's what she did. These two charged at each other like angry bulls in a vicious exchange, but despite taking a pair of roundhouses Gordon quickly gained control of the match halfway through the first round, putting Martinez down almost immediately after the second round began.

Seth Williams d. Greg Sanders: 3R 0:39- KO by way of ground and pound

Match of the Night. Williams improved on the clinch game that cost him his bout against Seto Kazuyo, and while Sanders was going on all cylenders on the mat, Seth was able to endure the wrestler's takedowns. He had a big knockout blow ready at the end of round three, and after a failed takedown by Sanders, Williams countered and got into the mount to pound the grappler from Montana into oblivion.

Intergender Match: Harold Creed d. Gutter- 1R 4:37 KO by way of punch to the back of the neck

Creed won the war, but Gutter was winning the battles as she connected with FOUR TIMES the strikes Creed did, nearly putting a man with a 180 pound weight advantege out with strikes from the back mount. Creed eventually recovered however and lived up to his "One Punch" moniker with a haymaker that dropped the young streetfighter.

Post Match Interviews:

Joey Roberts: Harold Creed what an impressive knockout win tonight, but it looked for all the world like you were going to be on the losing end of this bout.

Creed: That kid... she's fast, and she hits like she's got bricks in them gloves. I was thinking she was gonna put ME out. Everyone... watch that kid, she's gonna be big.

Joey: Harold Creed magnamous in victory... Gutter however... well she got back up, spit out her mouthguard and left to the back. Still, everyone should give her a big hand for putting up a hell of a fight!

MAIN EVENT: Sergei Yakolev d. Seto Kazuyo: 2R 4:06 side KO by way of side suplex.

This match got second best of the night barely over the intergender bout. Kazuyo stuck to what brought him the first win with a volley of strikes, but Yakolev answered back. An incensed Kazuyo went for the submission, but Sergei overpowered him and after tossing him into the ground several times finished him off with a brutal suplex.


Joey: Kazuyo... everyone thought you had Sergei's number... what happened in this fight that made the difference from the Origin Tournament match?

Kazuyo (by way of translator): I overestimated Yakolev's takedown skill and went in too close. I also didn't expect him to be able to get through my standup defenses.

Joey: Well put Kazuyo, it's always a treat watching you fight and we all can't wait for the next one. And now the man of the hour, the man who will be facing the Men's Division Champion Corey O'Brian, Sergei Yakolev. Your thoughts on this match, and your match against O'Brian?

Sergei (by way of translator): Kazuyo is an excellent fighter. Some say he should not have won the last fight, but I will be the first to admit that he defeated me. This time was different. As for O'Brian, he is an exceptional wrestler, but he has only a year and a half of shootfighting experience, I have practiced Sambo since I was twelve. It will be a good fight but I will win.

Joey: Bold prediction by Sergei Yakolev, can't wait to see how this one will turn out.

Ingram: This is Jake Ingram, WCCF's fight analyzer and director of the matchmaking committe. Before we go, I want to add that, in light of her performance tonight, and with the blessing of WCCF Women's Division champion Tina "The Meana" Franklin, we have decided to give Alicia Gordon the right to face Franklin for the title in the next show. And we are also in talks with bringing in Alicia's sparring partners and friends Thunderstrike and Jang Bae as well. Until next time from the BankAntlantic Center, to our fans across the world, thank you for watching and have a great night.