Monday, September 21, 2009

WCCF Last Man Standing Results

WCCF Last Man Standing
Live at the BankAntlantic Center

Dark Matches

Sergei Yakolev def. Dave Roman Post-2R via Corner Stoppage, ****
Dave did well in the first rount but as time went on Sergei took over. Dave was unable to return to his corner after the second round so his corner was forced to throw in the towel.

Gina Rocelli def Patricia Jackson 1R 4:01 KO via Standing Knees to Face (CRITICAL!) ,***
PJ seemed off her game here, and Gina wanted to prove she was still a threat in the women's division. And that she did, blocking a takedown and kneeing PJ right in the face several times, breaking her nose.

Paiva DaSilva def. Sarah Martinez 2R 4:58 Via Choke, ****
Both women wanted this win here, Sarah to get out of her losing rut and DaSilva to establish herself. In the end the karate expert got cut early and then choked out by the BJJ expert just before the end of the second round.

Televised Event Starts

Craig Hennisey def Randall Baker 2R 1:00 KO via Kicks, ***
The "Rabid Dingo" felt overlooked going into this match, having one of the best records in WCCF but yet to reach the upper echelon. So, despite being cut in the middle of round one he DESTROYED up-and-comer Randall Baker both on the mat and on the ground before knocking him out in convincing fashion.

Tetsuya Miwaki def. Greg Sanders 2R 2:26 KO via Knees, ***
Sanders didn't have much going for him in this one, as this battle ended up one-sided until Tetsuya put him to sleep with knees on the ground.

Sakura Kazama def Mei Wa Ten 2R 3:29 Sub via Flying Jujigatame, ****
Fresh off her ankle injury, this one went back and forth, Kazama using her power to offset the speed of Ten. A missed flying knee left Ten wide open to Kazama who forced the submission with STYLE to win the match.

Giselle Melendez def October Raven End of 1R via Stoppage ***
Can you say "Mismatch"? OR started strong but Giselle's pure power overwhelmed him, and after a NASTY slam to end the round OR was unable to return to his corner, suffering a concussion.

Sasha Romanov def. Alicia Gordon 2R :17 KO via Ground & Pound ****
This was a back and forth battle at first, but as the first round progessed Sasha became more and more dominant. The round ended with controversy as Sasha delivered a late knee to Gordon, but Big Bud ruled it unintentional and chose not to penalize Sasha for it. Gordon however was incensed, and her lowered guard allowed Sasha to down her with clinching knees then pound her with elbows forcing the TKO.

WCCF Men's Division Title: Harold Creed def. Seth Williams 2R 2:32 KO via Body Blows ****
Both men threw bombs in the first round, Seth getting cut by a left early on. In the end though, power would beat speed as Creed delivered a vicious barrage ending with a series of body blows. After the match, Creed held his title in the air, yelling out "THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!"

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Gutter vs Gordon II Results!

Gutter vs Gordon II
Live at the BankAntlantic Center

Dark Matches

October Raven def. Greg Sanders, 2R :54 Sub via Chokeout, ***
OR needed the win here, so he went all out here. He stutter-stepped for a few minuites but made a big comeback, Greg barely surviving the first round, and immediately getting a choke on Sanders right away in the second.

Patricia Jackson def. Molly Greene, 2R 3:05 Sub via Guillotine, ***
It ain't easy being Greene, who didn't do much against PJ's defensive style, and eventually got submitted by the wrestler after a nice ground exchange.

Gina Rocelli def. Paiva DaSilva, 3R :15 KO via Suplex, *****
Classic striker vs grappler matchup here, and these two showed no signs of stopping when the second bell was called... but Gina hit a PERFECT suplex dropping Paiva on her head to win the bout.

Jake Ingram's Intro
Ingram: Tonight, one of the most anticipated rematches in WCCF's history. Gutter will once again do battle against Alicia Gordon. This is what everyone is waiting to see, the best two female strikers in MMA going at it once more, and again for the title. Last time they fought in the cage, Gutter won. Will Alicia be able to beat the crafty boxer, or will her reckless style again be her undoing? With us tonight at ringside, a woman who will be facing both in the future, Sasha Romanov, as well as OG-Joshi World Champion, Holly Walker. But before that we have five other big matches, so let's get started.

Mei-Wa Ten def. Tina Franklin, 2R 2:41 KO via Soccer Kick, ****
"The Meana" started off strong in this contest, but got cut in the first round by an open-handed strike. Eventually though Ten would use her agility to overcome the odds and hammer her with a big Soccer Kick for the KO.

Randall Baker def. Jun Akitsuki, 1R 3:42 TKO Stoppage via Triangle Choke (CRITICAL!), ***
This submission battle was just heating up when Baker slapped on a PERFECT Triangle Choke, making Akitsuki pass out. Ingram called it the best triangle he's ever seen and "The Vandal" has a definate future in WCCF.

Giselle Melendez def Sarah Martinez, 2R :58 Sub via Choke, ***
Sarah looked good in the early part of this bout, taking advantage of her mobility advantage. Giselle's power and size however made her unstoppable, and once she caught Martinez it wasn't looking good for "Ms Karate". In the end Giselle pounded her senseless than choked her out for a win.

Corey O'Brian def John Tunney, 1R 3:02 TKO stoppage via Kimura (CRITICAL!) ***
Tunney didn't get to do much in this match, as Corey seemed to have an answer to his every advanced. However during a kimura Corey looked up and told Big Bud he heard a pop, and Tunney was clutching his arm in pain. Doctors decided Tunney wasn't able to continue and the match was called there.

Seto Kazuyo def Saya Kazama, 2R 1:43 KO via Ground and Pound, ***
Saya did her best against the experienced "Death God", and was very impressive with her tenacity and ability to execute. Kazuyo however was much more aggressive than usual and this threw Saya off her game plan, causing her to fall to a ground and pound.

WOMEN'S TITLE MATCH: Gutter def. Alicia Gordon, 1R :35 KO via Left Hook (CRITICAL!), N/A
The entire fight: Alicia hit a body kick, Gutter hit a right jab followed immediately by a left hook that caught Gordon square in the jaw, causing her to collapse. Everyone in the arena was shocked (except for Holly, who fell off her seat laughing) and while doctors checked on Alicia, Gutter pointed at Romanov before taking the belt and leaving.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Ring of Pain Two Results!

WCCF Ring of Pain Two
Live at the Bank Antlantic Center

We start with Jake Ingram talking.

Ingram: Ladies and gentlemen tonight we will crown new contenders for WCCF's championship belts. The rankings have been drastically changed since last time the Ring of Pain was open for business. Will this be a permanent change, or will names like Corey O'Brian, Michael Norcia, and Sarah Martinez be back in the contention? We'll find out in due time. A reminder, folks, Ring of Pain matches are exhibition bouts, they do NOT count towards official win-loss records. So even if someone loses tonight, if they keep winning they will stay on top.

Seth Williams d. Akira Yamazaki, R1 5:40 KO via Superman Punch CRITICAL! ***
Akira started out strong, favoring his kickboxing against Seth Williams, and then maintaining control with ground and pounds. However Seth managed to free himself and delivered a barrage of blows to rock Akira, then POW! A Superman punch FLOORED Yamazaki and Big Bud had no choice but to call it.

Randall Baker d. Dave Roman, R1 8:25 SUB via Armbar CRITICAL! ****
A back and forth chess match of submission wrestling here, as "The Vandal" stayed elusive and countering Dave's attempts at shooting, cutting him up with a big right hand early on. Roman kept at it, but when he seemed to have Baker in trouble Baker slapped on an armbar from the ground that dislocated Roman's shoulder!

Gutter d. Tina Franklin, R1 8:09 KO via Punches ****
Another back and forth bout, as both of them stayed defensive, countering each other's offensive efforts. Midway through the bout Gutter managed to catch Tina with a cut below the eye, and Tina never recovered, Gutter managing to pound her into oblivion.

Sasha Romanov d. Mei-Wa Ten, R1 6:10 KO via Knees to the FACE, ***
Sasha seemed hesitant at first, Ten getting some good offense in, but after a couple minuites it was obvious Sasha was just waiting for an opponing, immediately taking control of the match. It wasn't too long before Sasha was hammering Ten with knees until Ten went limp in Sasha's arms.

Seth Williams d. Randal Baker, R1 3:18, KO via Punches CRITICAL! kinda **
The two of them went back and forth for about a minuite, then Seth managed to get his back. Unable to get a choke he punched Randal in the face, busting his nose and making him stagger around dazed. Big Bud was hesitant to end the bout, but Seth made it a definate KO by hitting Baker with a quick combo and ending this without breaking a sweat and securing a rematch against Harold Creed.

Gutter d. Sasha Romanov, R1 7:48, KO via Punches, *****
This was a CLASSIC bout. Gutter stuck to her footwork and speed while Romanov took advantage of every misstep Gutter made and getting a clinch whenever possible. Gutter managed to cut Romanov with a ground and pound over the eye, and while Romanov kept at her with her knees Gutter managed to headbutt Romanov and catch her with a punch combo to win the bout and get another chance at the Women's Division title. Only question was... who was going to get that shot first, Gutter or Seth Williams...

Gutter d. Seth Williams, R1 7:29 KO via Spinning Backfist, *****
The crowd was HOT for this bout as two of WCCF's best pure strikers faced off. Seth was still fresh from his easy win and Gutter had been in two very grueling bouts, allowing "He Is Indeed" to get the advantage early on. But Gutter REFUSED to give up, her unorthodox tactics allowing her to throw Seth off his game then BLASTED him with a spinning backfist that made him collapse in the corner.

Jake Ingram: Congratulations to both of you, especially Gutter. The next WCCF show will be Gutter vs Alicia Gordon, and the one after that will feature Seth Williams vs Harold Creed. But since we're talking about anticipated rematches.... I'm sure everyone here would want to see Gutter face off against Sasha Romanov in the cage.... and since Alicia Gordon vs Sasha Romanov speculation has been popular discussion with WCCF's fans... at our third upcoming show, Sasha Romanov will face the winner of Gutter vs Gordon, whoever that may be... AND! Whoever does NOT win will face Sasha Romanov as well during the Williams/Creed bout. One more thing folks... we will be having a poll soon, asking you the fans a question that can potentially shake things up in WCCF. Ladies and gentlemen, we want to know... should we unify the WCCF titles? Keep in mind that if we do, WCCF will have the first-ever open-gender championship in MMA history. Until we have a decision on that... good night and keep watching!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Noontide Recap

WCCF Noontide
Live at the Bank Antlantic Center

Pre-Show Matches

Craig Hennisey def. October Raven, 4:59 1R TKO via Ground & Pound, ***
The Rabid Dingo picks up another win over the bossman, who offered almost no offense at all in this bout.

Seth Williams def Sergei Yakolev, 2:29 2R TKO via Ground & Pound, ***
Sergei tried to beat Seth Williams in his own game, but "He Is Indeed" showed why is one of the most dangerous strikers in the Men's Division.

Tina Franklin def Patricia Jackson, 4:33 2R TKO via Elbow Rush, ****
This excellent back and forth bout ended with a bang as Tina shot in, PJ sprawling to counter but instead PJ ended up getting slammed violently into the canvas and destroyed with elbows!

TV Taping Begins, Ten Bell Salute for Mitsuharu Misawa, Jake Ingram speaks afterwards.

"Jake Ingram here, and while the memory of Misawa is still fresh in everyone's mind, the show must go on and that is why we are here tonight. Three big matches tonight, the female phenomenon Gutter facing off against Corey O'Brian in intergender action, John Tunney facing Harold Creed, and Saya Kazama faces Alica Gordon. Also tonight, the anticipated debut of Soviet-Afghan war veteran Sasha "Red Menace" Romanov. But first, a rematch from our last show's dark matches, Dave Roman vs Akira Yamazaki. And they, like all competitors tonight, are wearing armbands to commemorate the fallen wrestler, black on one arm, emerald green on the other."

Akira Yamazaki def. Dave Roman 3:25 2R TKO via Ura Nage Throw, *****
AMAZING. This war went from a standup duel to a ground duel and back again in a match that topped their previous encounter. Both men tried to finish off the other with a submission, but Akira ended up getting the win with a PERFECT throw to the canvas.

Mei-Wa Ten def Giselle Melendez 2:45 2R KO via Soccer Kick, ****
A literal "Diane vs Goliathette" match, as the quick and graceful Mei battled the brutally powerful and HUGE Melendez. It looked like it could go either way, but Ten EXPLODED with a flying knee out of nowhere, knocking Melendez on her backside, then Ten immediately soccer kicked Melendez to score the knockout.

Sasha Romanov def. Molly Greene 4:531R KO via Mauy Thai Knees, ***
Coming out to the original version of the Soviet "Hymn" and draped in the Russian flag, Romanov made one of the most imposing debuts in WCCF history. While some may argue that Greene was just fed to Romanov, the fact of the matter was this was a SLAUGHTER. Romanov seemed to be toying with Greene for a while, but would knock Greene silly until getting a clinch and slamming her knee into the ribs of Greene over and over, making Greene SPIT OUT BLOOD and Big Bud called for the bell.

Gutter def Corey O'Brian 3:54 R2 via Ref Stoppage, ****
Gutter and O'Brian seemed well-matched, with Corey gaining the early advantage with his superior technique and skills, but Gutter's brawling style would overcome the former Men's champion. A flurry of strikes would daze O'Brian and he would in a last ditch effort attempt a rolling anaconda to finish, but Gutter would escape the hold, O'Brian unable to return to his feet, so Big Bud called it in what may be one of the most controversial finishes in WCCF history.

MEN'S DIVISION TITLE MATCH: Harold Creed def. John Tunney 1:33 2R KO via Punches, ****
The tale of this match seemed to be the first punch of this bout, Creed's first immediately busting Tunney wide open. Tunney insisted he was able to continue, and while he was an absolutely bloody mess he gave his all against the brutal Creed, but eventually he would get floored by a flurry of body shots and Big Bud decided Tunney had enough for one night. Afterwards, Creed yelled "I CANNOT BE OVERCOME!".

WOMEN'S DIVISION TITLE MATCH: Alicia Gordon def. Saya Kazama :24 2R Submission via Chokeout, ****
This match was weird to say the least. Alicia, in typical fashion, didn't keep her hands up, and Saya took advantage of this by out-brawling Gordon! The two went it punch for punch in the first round, and Gordon seemed absolutely beside herself. It didn't help that Holly was there, of course. Before the second bell, Gordon pointed to Holly and said "This'll be you one day, bitch", floored Saya with a series of kicks and jumped on her for a rear naked choke, putting Saya to sleep in less than a half-minuite. Gordon didn't even bother giving thoughts to Jake Ingram after this match, staring daggers at Holly who BLEW A KISS at her, causing Thunderstrike and Jang Bae to drag Alicia away before the well-documented Cease Fire was broken there and then.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

WCCF Deja Vu All Over Again Results

Live at the BankAtlantic Center


Dave Roman def. Jun Akitsuki- R3 1:42 Sub via Triangle Choke *****
Wow. Just... wow. This was a CLASSIC fight, showcasing what MMA is all about. The two started on their feet trading leg kicks, then proceded to go back and forth on the ground. At the third round, Roman went for finish after finish, Jun managed to turn the tables only to get put in the Triangle Choke.

Mei-Wa Ten def. Sarah Martinez- R1 4:17 KO via Roundhouse Kick (CRITICAL!) ****
The women were not ready to be outdone, and they were able to follow the mat war with a standup battle that Ingram would be overheard comparing it to "A Jet Li movie sped up". Neither of them were gaining an advantage and everyone expected another FOTY contender when it stopped with a screeching halt when Ten nearly decapitated Martinez with a roundhouse.

Randall "The Vandal" Baker def. Akira Yamazaki- R1 2:31 Sub via Leglock (CRITCAL!) **
This match only got two stars because of its abrupt ending and there wasn't much action beforehand. There was a slow buildup, but Baker managed to get a Leglock from out of the blue to get the tapout win.

Televised Portion Begins

Jake Ingram started off with his usual pre-show speech

"Welcome everyone to another edition of WCCF, and tonight we have rematches of two of WCCF's most memorable fights. Tina "The Meana" Franklin will once again defend her Women's Division title against Alicia Gordon, and Micheal Norcia faces off against who is undoubtedly the most popular fighter in WCCF, Gutter. And this time, it's an official WCCF fight. Norcia has yet to win a match since Gutter knocked him out at Ring of Pain Zero, and if he can win this bout he might get his stride back.

We also want to welcome a newcomer who is in the stands tonight, who will be debuting at our next show. Sasha Romanov, nicknamed "The Red Menace". 42 years old, but don't let her age fool you, she is a world-class fighter, Soviet-Afghani War veteran, ex-Spetznaz, and currently undefeated in her three years in the professional MMA circuit. But now with nothing further ado, we begin our show with the unorthodox 'Pub-Fu' fighter John Tunney against the elusive Seto "Death God" Kazuyo."

John Tunney def Seto Kazuyo R1 2:01 KO via Knees (CRITICAL!), ***
Seto seemed off his game tonight, Tunney having little problem catching up to him, and in almost no time at all managed to get him in position for a series of brutal series of knees to Seto knocking him out.

"Amazon" Giselle Melendez def Gina Rocelli R2 1:25 Sub via Chokeout, ***
Gina had a sound strategy coming into this fight, attacking the legs. However Gina made the mistake of keeping her distance, and the reach difference played right into the giant's strengths, allowing her to pound her way into getting Gina's back, and a choke ended this bout.

Tetsuya Miwaki def. October Raven R2 2:55 Submission via Guillotine Choke ***
This was pretty much all Miwaki, while OR did land some nice body blows, he was totally outclassed on the mat and got choked out by the veteran submission fighter.

Saya Kazama def. Sakura Kazama R1 4:55 Stoppage via injury (CRITICAL!), ***
In what will undoubtedly be a controversial ending, this solid battle of BJJ and standup wrestling ended after Saya attempted a back suplex but instead dropped Sakura on her foot, twisting her ankle. Sakura tried to continue but was unable to stand up, and her corner threw in the towel.

Gutter def. Micheal Norcia R2 3:26 KO via Backfist -> Ground & Pound ****
This was every bit of the slugfest that people expected, Norcia seemed to be getting back to his A-Game, managing to even beat Gutter to the punch. Only rarely did they ever stop swinging, even delivering punches to each other while Norcia applied a triangle to Gutter! In the second round, Norcia's attempts at a ground and pound were thwarted, and Norcia would thereafter be hesitant to try to stay on the mat with Gutter... who would get up, hit Norcia with her dreaded spinning backfist, and pounce on Norcia dropping bombs until Big Bud called it. Norcia not only stormed out of the cage before the official decision, but actually punched a cameraman who got in his way!

WCCF Women's Division Title: Alicia Gordon def. Tina Franklin, 2R 2:14 Stoppage via Throw, ****
Despite her corner yelling "Hands up!" the entire time, Gordon pretty much didn't even need to, as she CRUSHED Franklin. Ingram noted that "Every hit Tina lands, Gordon lands at least six more", and in the second round this was especially true as Gordon hit about two dozen unanswered strikes before throwing Tina to the floor with a Judo toss, and Big Bud called it there.

After the fight, Jake Ingram made some announcements:

"Congratulations Alicia, but before you consider where you are going to celebrate, you should know who your next opponent will be. Between fights I've been talking to the matchmaking committee and we've decided on the marquee fights for the next show. The intergender match will feature... Gutter vs Corey O'Brian. The Men's Division Title match will be Harold Creed against... John Tunney. And finally, Alicia, YOU will be in the main event, defending against... Saya Kazama."

Monday, April 6, 2009

WCCF A Fistful of Face Results!

WCCF "A Fistful of Face"
Live from the BankAntlantic Center

Dark Matches
Craig Hennisey d. Reggie Lewis, 2R 3:11 KO via Roundhouse Kick, ***
Lewis has shown lots of improvement, but unfortunately he went to 0-5, currently the worst record in WCCF, after eating a vicious roundhouse kick from "The Rabid Dingo", who has been on a roll as of late. We might not be too far removed from Hennisey facing the bigger names in the Men's Division.

Giselle Melendez d. Gina Rocelli, 2R 4:01 KO via Strikes, ***
The monster woman of WCCF seemed to still have problems due to her previous leg injury, and the leg kicks from the muay thai black belt didn't help that one bit. However Gina was unable to chop down the proverbial tree, and Melendez would eventually fell Rocelli after a series of punishing blows.

OctoberRaven def. Dave Roman, 2R 1:24 Submission via Ground & Pound, ***
It's been too long since we've seen either of these two in the cage, and they both made sure we'd remember them. Roman bloodied OR early in the match, but the Death Metal Warrior simply used his bloodied head as a weapon to floor Roman, then pound him into submission.

TV Taping Starts
Ingram: Jake Ingram here, and the matches tonight promise to be great ones. Tonight, "He is Indeed" Seth Williams, who has knocked out Alicia Gordon twice, and also beat Corey O'Brian and Seto Kazuyo before the second time, will face the most vicious and feared striker in all of WCCF. "1 Punch" Harold Creed, our WCCF Men's Champion, the man with more first-round knockouts than anyone else in this company. He is, without a doubt, the man with the most powerful fists in WCCF today. But Seth Williams is also a boxer, and a boxer with a more flexible style than Creed. Who might just be able to get under those looping bombs and score a knockout of his own. Also tonight, a rematch of a title match, Michael Norcia facing off against Corey O'Brian, and a match against two fighters who fell short at Ring of Pain One, Seto Kazuyo and Gutter.

Saya Kazama d. Paiva DaSilva, R2 1:56 Ref Stoppage via Armbar, ****
Can you say "painful"? The two BJJ fighters showed their stuff and more in this bout, giving us a great ground battle with a side order of striking as well. Paiva was looking good and was ready to pass the younger Kazama's guard, but Saya managed to catch her in an omoplata and transition it into a jujigatame. Big Bud heard DaSilva's arm snap, and immediately did his job and stopped the fight. Looks like the "Devil Maid" might have to change her nickname to "Crippling Maid".

Greg Sanders d. John Tunney, R1 4:45 Ref Stoppage Via Kneebar, ***
Holy lightning strikes twice Batman! The Pub-Fu fighter was doing very well at first, however when he got the back of the Montana wrestler, he gave up his leg for a submission that caused his ankle to be dislocated.

Patricia Jackson d. Sarah Martinez, R2 1:05 KO via Ground & Pound, ****
PJ going back to her old winning ways here. "Miss Karate" bloodied her, but PJ cut Sarah right back, and the usually submission-based PJ threw Martinez completely off her gameplan by continuing the strikes, even getting her first KO win after pummeling her with strikes on the back mount.

Seto Kazuyo d. Gutter, R2 1:42 Sub via Heel Hook, ****
This was a chess match if there ever was one. Gutter's early offense was thwarted by Kazuyo's elusiveness, but her footwork allowed her to catch Kazuyo with a nice punch that cut him just below the eye. Kazuyo was able to endure her punishing offense and survive the first round, and managed to take her down early in the second round and put her in a leg submission. Gutter's sole cornerwoman, Jean Carter, threw in the towel before Kazuyo broke Gutter's leg. Gutter almost took a swing at Kazuyo until she was told the match was over. Gutter seemed upset at first, but reports indicate that the two friends did indeed leave the BAC together.

Corey O'Brian d. Micheal Norcia, R2 2:15 KO via STO, *****
This fight DELIVERED. We saw both the old, unrelenting Norcia, as well as the O'Brian that seemed untouchable at the genesis of WCCF until Norcia had overcome him. Unlike that last match though, O'Brian managed to overcome the barrage and managed to win the ground battles as well, leaving Norcia to, once again, forgo the ground (although this time it didn't seem like a mistake). However O'Brian managed to put him down with a sick STO, ending this early FOTY contender.

Harold Creed d. Seth Williams, R2 1:32 Sub via Ground & Pound, ****
It was a tough act to follow, but follow they did, and we had another bloodbath as both men got cut in this one. Creed's cut was above the eye, but he insisted on continuing the match, and his cornermen didn't want to stop it either. However this may explain why Creed's vicious blows seemed less, well, vicious. Not only that but Seth was doing well in getting through the reach andvantage and get some quality shots of his own. In the end through Creed managed to catch Seth and pummel him into a tapout. Jake Ingram had to leave early due to a family emergency, but no interview was needed from Creed, who closed the show early by yelling "BRING YOUR BEST, WCCF, YOU CAN'T STOP ME".

Monday, March 2, 2009

WCCF Ring Of Pain One Results

WCCF Ring of Pain One
Live at the BankAntlantic Center

Ingram: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to WCCF's first Ring of Pain tournament. Tonight, the top four men and top four women will compete in a single elimination tournament to decide who will next face their respective champions. The winners of the tournaments will then face each other in an intergender contest for bragging rights. Now, a quick reminder of the rules here. Each match will be 2 rounds of 10 minuites, victory by knockout or submission. Kicks and knees to grounded opponents, headbutts, punches to the back of the head are all legal, and there are no standups. WCCF tournament rules apply meaning that if there is no winner the match is declared a draw, and Ring of Pain matches do not count towards official win-loss records.

Round One
"He is Indeed" Seth Williams def. Corey O'Brian R2 0:10 KO "Turn out the Lights" Punch, ****
Corey started this one pretty strong, but Seth knew he had to make a statement to finally break into the championship level. Not only that Seth showed he is capable on the ground too. O'Brian got some great submissions in but Seth survived the round and at the second bell he caught Corey clean with his trademark left cross and Corey was totally out of it.

"Death God" Seto Kazuyo def. "Hand of God" Michael Norcia R2 0:30 Sub via Kneebar *****
Early fight of the year contender here, and a contrast of styles: Kazuyo the elusive and methodical submission specialist, Norcia the striker whose style is compared to a bulldozer. Highlight of this fight was Kazuyo getting slammed HARD by Norcia, and then getting hit with elbows that made him bleed profusely. Norcia again showed reluctance to fight on the ground like he did with Harold Creed, but this time for good reason: Norcia would try to hit him with a back mount and a series of elbows like he did with O'Brian to win the Men's title but Kazuyo slipped out and forced a submission.

Gutter def. Sarah Martinez R1 6:40 KO via Headbutt ***
Martinez looked to gain some huge momentum by defeating one of WCCF's most popular fighters, but Gutter proved once again that she is not an underdog fighter. This back and forth brawl ended abruptly with a headbutt that totally floored the karate fighter.

Alicia Gordon def. Saya Kazama R1 5:00 TKO after a Spin Kick **
Alicia basically ahniliated Saya here. Saya barely got any offense at all. Alicia didn't have her hands up but it was pretty obvious she didn't even need to, and Saya's sister Sakura would throw in the towel before the younger Kazama got seriously hurt.

Round Two- Divisional #1 Contendership matches

"He Is Indeed" Seth Williams def "Death God" Seto Kazuyo R1 8:16 KO via Kicks ****
Fatigue was on obvious factor on both sides, as both men went at it but not in the same intensity as before. In the end this one came down to the man who wanted it more, and it ended up being the young boxer who suprised everyone by finishing this match with a kicking combination.

Alicia Gordon def. Gutter R1 9:06 KO via "Speed of LAWL" Kicks *****
The long-awaited rematch between these two was everything that you could expect. Interesting thing to note is Alicia was actually listening to Jang Bae and Thunderstrike, keeping her hands up. She was still a flurry until a kick knocked Gutter over the ropes causing Big Bud to give Gutter time to get back in the ring. Gordon looked like she was starting to kick herself out but JUSTICE would tell her to pace herself, and again she listened, slowing herself down but also managing to catch the counterstriker Gutter off guard. Gordon attempted several chokeouts, but Gutter refused to go down until a series of kicks knocked her out.

Final Round

"He Is Indeed" Seth Williams def. Alicia Gordon R1 3:09 via Right Hook ***
Alicia must have gotten overconfident and fell back to her old ways, as she didn't bother keeping her hands up at all, and this once again proved to be her undoing as Seth floored her with a blow that sent Gordon's mouthguard flying out the ring and into the fourth row! Gordon was still out of it when JUSTICE stepped in to take her out of the ring, and Seth remained standing tall.

Post-Fight Interview
Ingram: That was a BRUTAL shot, Seth, and now you are set to take on the most feared striker in WCCF, Harold Creed. Do you think you can knock him out as well?

Seth: Creed's all hands, man. He can't take a clean punch. If I hit what I hit on Gordon, it'll be lights out.

Ingram: But what if he manages to hit you?

Seth: Well the dude's obviously got some crazy power behind those hooks of his but the thing is, I've been watching him, I know when he's going to throw those bombs, and I can get out of the way. Blocking isn't an option, because he punches so hard, I heard that a sparring partner of his blocked a punch, and from that alone, the dude's ARM got broken. So I'm going to be stepping up my footwork for Creed, but I can do it.

Ingram: Last time you fought Alicia Gordon she knocked you out, and now you knocked Alicia out. If you two fight again, what do you think will happen?

Seth: Alicia's a great fighter, and like we just saw earlier she can be almost unstoppable if she just keeps her hands up. Defense is seriously underrated in MMA, and Gordon's record is proof of that, she gets knocked out not because she's not a better fighter but because she doesn't defend herself. In fact I'm worried about her because if she keeps up like that she's going to get brain damage one day. As far as to a third match... well, it depends on who gets that big blow first.

Ingram: Well thank you Seth for your thoughts, and good luck with facing Seth Williams.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

WCCF Architecture of Aggression Results

Architecture of Aggression
Live at the BankAntlantic Center

Dark Show Matches
Paiva DaSilva def. Molly "The Hatchet" Greene, 2R 4:52 Sub via Anaconda Choke, ****
A great showing for our opening contest, as Greene was trying her best to avoid being 0-3. Unfortunately DaSiva's submission skills overcame Hatchet's striking skills and despite being cut she was able to choke her out seconds before the end of the second round.

Craig Hennisey def. Reggie Lewis, 2R 0:42 KO via Left Hook ***
Reggie Lewis has definately shown some improvement since his last bout, and looked like he had a good chance of getting his first win by the end of round one. But Hennisey caught him with a brutal left and that led to yet another defeat for the Canadian grappler.

Gina Rocelli def. Mei-Wa Ten, 3R 0:13 Via Knees ****
As if the crowd needed to be pumped up even more! This was an exiting contest from start to finish. Highlight was Mei-Wa Ten catching Rocelli with a jumping knee and following up with a soccer kick, but she tired herself out and Gina was able to put her away in no time once the third round began.

Jake Ingram: Welcome to another exciting WCCF show, tonight both champions will be defending their titles. Michael Norcia, known for his brutal and effective boxing combined with his sheer takedown power. He faces "1 Punch" Harold Creed, who is also known for his boxing skills. But where Norcia wins by a barrage, usually Creed just needs to catch them clean with but a single blow. And for the women, arguably the most popular fighter in WCCF now, Gutter, defends her title against the original champion and WCCF's Fighter of the Year Tina "The Meana" Franklin. It's been a long time since their last contest and it'll be interesting to see if Gutter can avenge that loss.

Sarah Martinez def Giselle Melendez 2R 4:24 KO via Knees ***
The Amazon was back but her leg conditioning was definately a factor. While she wasn't exactly flying across the cage before she was even slower than usual and repeated leg kicks by Martinez just made that worse. Martinez would eventually chop down the knee and get her with knees to the head and Big Bud stepped in.

Sakura Kazama def. Patricia "PJ" Jackson 3R 0:26 KO via Suples ****
Kazama's sister Saya has been doing well as of late and it was time to see if the elder Kazama could get her first win as well. PJ did well at first but Kazama is a world-class submission fighter and eventually her skill and strength would wear down PJ until a suplex would finish off the woman who was once considered a top threat to the Women's Division.

John Tunney def. Seto Kazuyo 2R 2:02 KO via Roundhouse ***
Kazuyo was at top form at first, showing that skillful elusiveness that makes him a top name in the company... unfortunately Tunney's unorthodox style was able to counter the offense Seto did mount, and a brutal second round was ended with a roundhouse kick.

Alicia Gordon def "He Is Indeed" Seth Williams 1R 1:44 KO via Open-Palm Hook, ***
Gordon rushes in, overwhelms Seth, then manages to blow him away not with her feet but her hands! Not really much else to say here except that Gordon has proved she is still dangerous.

Mens Title Match: "1 Punch" Harold Creed def "Hand of God" Micheal Norcia, 1R 2:55 Via Hook ***
Norcia was his usual punishing self at first, even managing to take the massive Creed down but wasn't able to finish. He got Creed down again two more times, but in a move that confused everyone especially Creed, Norcia didn't go for the mount but instead kicked at Creed's leg. Creed got up, and BOOM! Norcia was knocked for a loop and Big Bud stepped in! Creed raised his hands and his crew stepped in, and Norcia got up arguing with Big Bud. Norcia didn't even bother to stick around for the decision.

Jake Ingram with Harold Creed
Ingram: Congratulations Creed for capturing the title, your thoughts please.

Creed: Norcia, you got nothin to bitch about, I knocked you on your ass and you were out before you hit the ground and you know it. I just proved that Norcia is an overrated punk.

The crowd booed at Creed's last statement and security had to hold Norcia from heading back to the cage, and eventually we got to the main event.

Womens Title Match: Tina "The Meana" Franklin def. Gutter, 2R 2:21 KO via Standing Knees to the Face ****
This match delivered. Gutter and Tina went at it. Gutter got caught with an elbow that cut her early, and went for a direct attack rather than her footwork, and this allowed Franklin to get her in the clinch, and even a couple submission attempts. Eventually one of those clinches ended with a series of unanswered knees to the face of Gutter and Big Bud was forced to call the fight. Doctors and a concerned Jean Carter tended to the now former champ as Tina reclaimed her belt.

Jake Ingram speaks to Tina Franklin
Ingram: Tina, you managed to beat Gutter a second time, was it any harder this time?

Franklin: Yeah, Gutter's really tough, I can't believe she managed to get out of those armbars... and that hair of hers is nasty... I mean, I wasn't pulling on it for that clinch but I hand my hands on it and I almost slipped a couple times because it's like... slimy... no offense. But I got to hand it to her she's a great fighter, and I'd look forward to fighting her again.

Ingram: Well there you go folks, both titles changed hands, Gordon with a shocking KO, and the rankings on both sides will be shaken up for sure. Until then, folks, good night!