Monday, April 6, 2009

WCCF A Fistful of Face Results!

WCCF "A Fistful of Face"
Live from the BankAntlantic Center

Dark Matches
Craig Hennisey d. Reggie Lewis, 2R 3:11 KO via Roundhouse Kick, ***
Lewis has shown lots of improvement, but unfortunately he went to 0-5, currently the worst record in WCCF, after eating a vicious roundhouse kick from "The Rabid Dingo", who has been on a roll as of late. We might not be too far removed from Hennisey facing the bigger names in the Men's Division.

Giselle Melendez d. Gina Rocelli, 2R 4:01 KO via Strikes, ***
The monster woman of WCCF seemed to still have problems due to her previous leg injury, and the leg kicks from the muay thai black belt didn't help that one bit. However Gina was unable to chop down the proverbial tree, and Melendez would eventually fell Rocelli after a series of punishing blows.

OctoberRaven def. Dave Roman, 2R 1:24 Submission via Ground & Pound, ***
It's been too long since we've seen either of these two in the cage, and they both made sure we'd remember them. Roman bloodied OR early in the match, but the Death Metal Warrior simply used his bloodied head as a weapon to floor Roman, then pound him into submission.

TV Taping Starts
Ingram: Jake Ingram here, and the matches tonight promise to be great ones. Tonight, "He is Indeed" Seth Williams, who has knocked out Alicia Gordon twice, and also beat Corey O'Brian and Seto Kazuyo before the second time, will face the most vicious and feared striker in all of WCCF. "1 Punch" Harold Creed, our WCCF Men's Champion, the man with more first-round knockouts than anyone else in this company. He is, without a doubt, the man with the most powerful fists in WCCF today. But Seth Williams is also a boxer, and a boxer with a more flexible style than Creed. Who might just be able to get under those looping bombs and score a knockout of his own. Also tonight, a rematch of a title match, Michael Norcia facing off against Corey O'Brian, and a match against two fighters who fell short at Ring of Pain One, Seto Kazuyo and Gutter.

Saya Kazama d. Paiva DaSilva, R2 1:56 Ref Stoppage via Armbar, ****
Can you say "painful"? The two BJJ fighters showed their stuff and more in this bout, giving us a great ground battle with a side order of striking as well. Paiva was looking good and was ready to pass the younger Kazama's guard, but Saya managed to catch her in an omoplata and transition it into a jujigatame. Big Bud heard DaSilva's arm snap, and immediately did his job and stopped the fight. Looks like the "Devil Maid" might have to change her nickname to "Crippling Maid".

Greg Sanders d. John Tunney, R1 4:45 Ref Stoppage Via Kneebar, ***
Holy lightning strikes twice Batman! The Pub-Fu fighter was doing very well at first, however when he got the back of the Montana wrestler, he gave up his leg for a submission that caused his ankle to be dislocated.

Patricia Jackson d. Sarah Martinez, R2 1:05 KO via Ground & Pound, ****
PJ going back to her old winning ways here. "Miss Karate" bloodied her, but PJ cut Sarah right back, and the usually submission-based PJ threw Martinez completely off her gameplan by continuing the strikes, even getting her first KO win after pummeling her with strikes on the back mount.

Seto Kazuyo d. Gutter, R2 1:42 Sub via Heel Hook, ****
This was a chess match if there ever was one. Gutter's early offense was thwarted by Kazuyo's elusiveness, but her footwork allowed her to catch Kazuyo with a nice punch that cut him just below the eye. Kazuyo was able to endure her punishing offense and survive the first round, and managed to take her down early in the second round and put her in a leg submission. Gutter's sole cornerwoman, Jean Carter, threw in the towel before Kazuyo broke Gutter's leg. Gutter almost took a swing at Kazuyo until she was told the match was over. Gutter seemed upset at first, but reports indicate that the two friends did indeed leave the BAC together.

Corey O'Brian d. Micheal Norcia, R2 2:15 KO via STO, *****
This fight DELIVERED. We saw both the old, unrelenting Norcia, as well as the O'Brian that seemed untouchable at the genesis of WCCF until Norcia had overcome him. Unlike that last match though, O'Brian managed to overcome the barrage and managed to win the ground battles as well, leaving Norcia to, once again, forgo the ground (although this time it didn't seem like a mistake). However O'Brian managed to put him down with a sick STO, ending this early FOTY contender.

Harold Creed d. Seth Williams, R2 1:32 Sub via Ground & Pound, ****
It was a tough act to follow, but follow they did, and we had another bloodbath as both men got cut in this one. Creed's cut was above the eye, but he insisted on continuing the match, and his cornermen didn't want to stop it either. However this may explain why Creed's vicious blows seemed less, well, vicious. Not only that but Seth was doing well in getting through the reach andvantage and get some quality shots of his own. In the end through Creed managed to catch Seth and pummel him into a tapout. Jake Ingram had to leave early due to a family emergency, but no interview was needed from Creed, who closed the show early by yelling "BRING YOUR BEST, WCCF, YOU CAN'T STOP ME".