Sunday, August 23, 2009

Gutter vs Gordon II Results!

Gutter vs Gordon II
Live at the BankAntlantic Center

Dark Matches

October Raven def. Greg Sanders, 2R :54 Sub via Chokeout, ***
OR needed the win here, so he went all out here. He stutter-stepped for a few minuites but made a big comeback, Greg barely surviving the first round, and immediately getting a choke on Sanders right away in the second.

Patricia Jackson def. Molly Greene, 2R 3:05 Sub via Guillotine, ***
It ain't easy being Greene, who didn't do much against PJ's defensive style, and eventually got submitted by the wrestler after a nice ground exchange.

Gina Rocelli def. Paiva DaSilva, 3R :15 KO via Suplex, *****
Classic striker vs grappler matchup here, and these two showed no signs of stopping when the second bell was called... but Gina hit a PERFECT suplex dropping Paiva on her head to win the bout.

Jake Ingram's Intro
Ingram: Tonight, one of the most anticipated rematches in WCCF's history. Gutter will once again do battle against Alicia Gordon. This is what everyone is waiting to see, the best two female strikers in MMA going at it once more, and again for the title. Last time they fought in the cage, Gutter won. Will Alicia be able to beat the crafty boxer, or will her reckless style again be her undoing? With us tonight at ringside, a woman who will be facing both in the future, Sasha Romanov, as well as OG-Joshi World Champion, Holly Walker. But before that we have five other big matches, so let's get started.

Mei-Wa Ten def. Tina Franklin, 2R 2:41 KO via Soccer Kick, ****
"The Meana" started off strong in this contest, but got cut in the first round by an open-handed strike. Eventually though Ten would use her agility to overcome the odds and hammer her with a big Soccer Kick for the KO.

Randall Baker def. Jun Akitsuki, 1R 3:42 TKO Stoppage via Triangle Choke (CRITICAL!), ***
This submission battle was just heating up when Baker slapped on a PERFECT Triangle Choke, making Akitsuki pass out. Ingram called it the best triangle he's ever seen and "The Vandal" has a definate future in WCCF.

Giselle Melendez def Sarah Martinez, 2R :58 Sub via Choke, ***
Sarah looked good in the early part of this bout, taking advantage of her mobility advantage. Giselle's power and size however made her unstoppable, and once she caught Martinez it wasn't looking good for "Ms Karate". In the end Giselle pounded her senseless than choked her out for a win.

Corey O'Brian def John Tunney, 1R 3:02 TKO stoppage via Kimura (CRITICAL!) ***
Tunney didn't get to do much in this match, as Corey seemed to have an answer to his every advanced. However during a kimura Corey looked up and told Big Bud he heard a pop, and Tunney was clutching his arm in pain. Doctors decided Tunney wasn't able to continue and the match was called there.

Seto Kazuyo def Saya Kazama, 2R 1:43 KO via Ground and Pound, ***
Saya did her best against the experienced "Death God", and was very impressive with her tenacity and ability to execute. Kazuyo however was much more aggressive than usual and this threw Saya off her game plan, causing her to fall to a ground and pound.

WOMEN'S TITLE MATCH: Gutter def. Alicia Gordon, 1R :35 KO via Left Hook (CRITICAL!), N/A
The entire fight: Alicia hit a body kick, Gutter hit a right jab followed immediately by a left hook that caught Gordon square in the jaw, causing her to collapse. Everyone in the arena was shocked (except for Holly, who fell off her seat laughing) and while doctors checked on Alicia, Gutter pointed at Romanov before taking the belt and leaving.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Ring of Pain Two Results!

WCCF Ring of Pain Two
Live at the Bank Antlantic Center

We start with Jake Ingram talking.

Ingram: Ladies and gentlemen tonight we will crown new contenders for WCCF's championship belts. The rankings have been drastically changed since last time the Ring of Pain was open for business. Will this be a permanent change, or will names like Corey O'Brian, Michael Norcia, and Sarah Martinez be back in the contention? We'll find out in due time. A reminder, folks, Ring of Pain matches are exhibition bouts, they do NOT count towards official win-loss records. So even if someone loses tonight, if they keep winning they will stay on top.

Seth Williams d. Akira Yamazaki, R1 5:40 KO via Superman Punch CRITICAL! ***
Akira started out strong, favoring his kickboxing against Seth Williams, and then maintaining control with ground and pounds. However Seth managed to free himself and delivered a barrage of blows to rock Akira, then POW! A Superman punch FLOORED Yamazaki and Big Bud had no choice but to call it.

Randall Baker d. Dave Roman, R1 8:25 SUB via Armbar CRITICAL! ****
A back and forth chess match of submission wrestling here, as "The Vandal" stayed elusive and countering Dave's attempts at shooting, cutting him up with a big right hand early on. Roman kept at it, but when he seemed to have Baker in trouble Baker slapped on an armbar from the ground that dislocated Roman's shoulder!

Gutter d. Tina Franklin, R1 8:09 KO via Punches ****
Another back and forth bout, as both of them stayed defensive, countering each other's offensive efforts. Midway through the bout Gutter managed to catch Tina with a cut below the eye, and Tina never recovered, Gutter managing to pound her into oblivion.

Sasha Romanov d. Mei-Wa Ten, R1 6:10 KO via Knees to the FACE, ***
Sasha seemed hesitant at first, Ten getting some good offense in, but after a couple minuites it was obvious Sasha was just waiting for an opponing, immediately taking control of the match. It wasn't too long before Sasha was hammering Ten with knees until Ten went limp in Sasha's arms.

Seth Williams d. Randal Baker, R1 3:18, KO via Punches CRITICAL! kinda **
The two of them went back and forth for about a minuite, then Seth managed to get his back. Unable to get a choke he punched Randal in the face, busting his nose and making him stagger around dazed. Big Bud was hesitant to end the bout, but Seth made it a definate KO by hitting Baker with a quick combo and ending this without breaking a sweat and securing a rematch against Harold Creed.

Gutter d. Sasha Romanov, R1 7:48, KO via Punches, *****
This was a CLASSIC bout. Gutter stuck to her footwork and speed while Romanov took advantage of every misstep Gutter made and getting a clinch whenever possible. Gutter managed to cut Romanov with a ground and pound over the eye, and while Romanov kept at her with her knees Gutter managed to headbutt Romanov and catch her with a punch combo to win the bout and get another chance at the Women's Division title. Only question was... who was going to get that shot first, Gutter or Seth Williams...

Gutter d. Seth Williams, R1 7:29 KO via Spinning Backfist, *****
The crowd was HOT for this bout as two of WCCF's best pure strikers faced off. Seth was still fresh from his easy win and Gutter had been in two very grueling bouts, allowing "He Is Indeed" to get the advantage early on. But Gutter REFUSED to give up, her unorthodox tactics allowing her to throw Seth off his game then BLASTED him with a spinning backfist that made him collapse in the corner.

Jake Ingram: Congratulations to both of you, especially Gutter. The next WCCF show will be Gutter vs Alicia Gordon, and the one after that will feature Seth Williams vs Harold Creed. But since we're talking about anticipated rematches.... I'm sure everyone here would want to see Gutter face off against Sasha Romanov in the cage.... and since Alicia Gordon vs Sasha Romanov speculation has been popular discussion with WCCF's fans... at our third upcoming show, Sasha Romanov will face the winner of Gutter vs Gordon, whoever that may be... AND! Whoever does NOT win will face Sasha Romanov as well during the Williams/Creed bout. One more thing folks... we will be having a poll soon, asking you the fans a question that can potentially shake things up in WCCF. Ladies and gentlemen, we want to know... should we unify the WCCF titles? Keep in mind that if we do, WCCF will have the first-ever open-gender championship in MMA history. Until we have a decision on that... good night and keep watching!