Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanks for the Bruises results!

WCCF Presents: Thanks For The Bruises
Live at the SOLD OUT BankAntlantic Center

Dark Matches
Jun Akitsuki d. Randall "The Vandal" Baker, 2R 3:31, KO via Strikes *
Not really much to say, only that both men were warned for stalling in the opening round. This was supposed to be a chance to get the fan's attention, and they didn't succeed.
Akira Yamazaki d. Reggie Lewis, 2R 2:13, KO via Suplex, **
One-sided, as Yamazaki utterly outwrestled and outbrawled Reggie, who suffers yet another loss in WCCF. Reggie's one remarkable moment was busting open Yamazaki in the opening minuite with a right hand.
Paiva DaSilva d. Sarah Martinez, 3R 0:10, KO via Strikes, ***
A slow first round was followed by a very brutal second round with both fighters giving it their all. Martinez was on an absolute tear in the second half of round two but this woke DaSilva up

Broadcast Starts

Ingram: Jake Ingram here and this is a powder keg waiting to happen, the main event is full to the brim with tension. Here's the story for those who don't know. A year ago, the WCCF Women's Champion Alicia Gordon did battle with OG-Joshi champion Holly. During the match, Alicia was distracted by a vicious assault of fan favorite Dizzy Cavuto, who was forced into retirement from the attack. Some say Gordon has been mentally scarred from the incident, and as another effect, Dizzy has sicced a monster by the name of Nicole Dramsei on OG-Joshi to the point where most of the company's employees are not even allowed out of security's sight for a moment for their own safety. And even THAT doesn't seem to stop her as she attacked Holly's brother at a recent show. Holly and Gordon can't touch each other due to a cease fire agreement between their two factions, but Holly is here, with OrochiGeese, CEO of Orochi-O's and the man behind OG-Joshi and Universal Battalion League as well as a dozen security officers. Our own security is armed and has been ordered to prevent Nicole Dramsei from entering this building and are legally authorized to use force to do so. It should be interesting to point out that Holly chose a seat right next to the blue corner, where Gordon will be for her match.

Also, there was a rumor floating around and has persisted in both OG-Joshi and WCCF community that Gutter, who also competes for OG-Joshi, was paid by Holly to injure Alicia Gordon. Well hopefully we are squashing this rumor for good. Both women have gone ON RECORD saying they didn't even meet. Nobody seems to know where this rumor came from, but it's absolutely not true. However, Gutter did note that she wants to injure Gordon due to a comment implying that she is being coddled by her de facto guardian Jean Carter. So this one might get personal and FAST.

There is one rumor that is true. WCCF's next event will feature our speciality of intergender fighing exclusively, and will also be our prototype for a new show format as well. It will be called "Ring of Pain Zero: Battle of the Sexes"

Without further ado, folks, sit back and enjoy the best MMA fighters in the world competing.

Saya Kazama d. Giselle Melendez, 2R 1:30, Sub via Kneebar, ***
Nobody told the younger Kazama sister that Vegas put her at 30 to 1. In fact, she ATE MELENDEZ ALIVE. Well, not literally, but in the non-cannibalistic sense. Melendez held her off at first with those tree-like legs kicking, but more were missing than landing, and Kazama managed to take the giant down and deliver a kneebar that not only forced a submission but caused bone to poke through skin! Melendez was immediately taken on a stretcher to the Emergency Room.
Sergei Yakolev d. John Tunney, 2R 2:38, Sub via Punches, ***
It was Tunney's biggest challenge yet, and perhaps it was too big, as Sergei Yakolev was hungry for a chance to put himself back in the running for the Men's title. Tunney's unorthodox style scored him some good hits but it couldn't help him against Yakolev's skill and power, delivering a back suplex and following up with punches forcing a tapout.
Gina Rocelli d. Patricia Jackson, 2R 4:05, KO via Kicks, ****
Whoever won this fight would be in the best standing for the next chance at the women's title, and it was down to whoever wanted it more. It looked like PJ had Gina with a quick takedown and her expert application of chokes, but Gina survived the first round and after a pep talk with her coaches, managed to not only null PJ's offense, but went for some submissions of her own, including an impressive kimura attempt. PJ's first round had left her tired, and her sloppyness showed. In the end though Gina won with what she's best at, her brutal Muay Thai kicks, ending with a roundhouse.
Harold Creed d. Seth Williams, 2R 1:43, TKO via Stoppage, ***
Two boxers with two different schools of fighting; the heavy handed style of Harold Creed and the stick-and-move style of Seth Williams. "He is Indeed" however had problems getting through Creed's reach, and Creed used some dirty boxing as well. The finish was controversial and awkward; Creed was cut but it was William's eye, which was swollen shut, that caused Big Bud to stop the fight, and the doctors confirmed that Williams was unable to see properly, ending this otherwise crowd-pleasing fight.
Intergender Match: Tina Franklin d. Corey O'Brian, 1R 3:42, TKO via Knees, ***
WOW. O'Brian had his gameplan and it was working well until a mistimed takedown ended up with vicious knees and O'Brian went limp. A stretcher was almost wheeled in, as O'Brian has had a history of neck injuries and people feared the worst, but O'Brian was able to eventually stand... although he seemed to be extremely concussed. He was able to leave on his feet (albeit with assistance from his friend Xander Starr) and went to the hospital as well.
Women's Division Title Match: Gutter d. Alicia Gordon, 2R 2:09, KO via Punches, ***** NEW CHAMPION
This was everything that was expected: Fast, brutal, and full of action. Gordon was doing very well at first but Gutter's survival instincts allowed her to defend herself from the worst of Gordon's onslaught. Between rounds Gordon just stared daggers at Holly, totally ignoring Thunderstrike and Jang Bae, but the OG-J champ didn't seem to say a single word. Her mere presence brought out RAGE from Gordon, who came out swinging for the fences, but Gordon made a fatal error: She kept her hands down too often too long, and was punished for it, Gutter finishing her off with a combination that sent her crumbling to the floor. Ingram asked Gutter for her thoughts, Gutter said "No comment", took her belt, and left. Gordon didn't say a word either, just headed out, giving another lethal stare to Holly who sarcastically clapped at her as the show came to a close.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Gutter Press Conference

After much pressuring and talking with Gutter's de facto legal guardian Jean Carter, we finally managed to get a chance to get words from the number one contender for the Women's Championship, Gutter. Gutter is wearing what some know as her wrestling attire. An absolutely FILTHY shirt and pair of jean shorts, as well as her trademark "Fuck You" bandana.

Reporter 1: Frank Stein with Gravedigger Magazine, how confident are you that you will win your fight against Alicia Gordon?

Gutter: Bitch ain't lasting a minuite.

Reporter 2: Kevin Hall with the Sun-Sentinel, you've been given offers from other fighters to coach you to prepare for your match. Any comments on that?

Gutter: I never needed anyone to help me. Franklin and the others are wasting their time.

Reporter 1: Frank Stein again, there has been a recent rumor that Holly Walker, who is said to be attending at ringside with OrochiGeese, has asked you to severely injure Alicia Gordon. Any truth to this?

Gutter: Who the fuck is Holly Walker?

Reporter 1: The OG-Joshi and LAWL champion, and... (remembering what happened to a reporter at a recent OrochiGeese conference) friend of Orochi-Os president OrochiGeese?

Gutter: Oh... didn't say shit to me, and even if she did, she'd be wasting her time.

Reporter 1: Why is that?

Gutter: Two reasons... one, I don't do favors for anyone. I only did this so Jean Carter'd finally shut up about it. Two, if I get the chance, I'm going to break Gordon's leg. Nobody calls me a fuckin spoiled brat.

Reporter 3: Mac A Rena with, there's been a question on many people's minds. You compete for four promotions, and yet you apparently have only two changes of clothing and allegedy eat only fast food, not to mention your travel and lodging covered by Orochi-O's... what do you do with all that money.

Gutter: No comment.

Reporter 3: But...

Gutter: NO FUCKING COMMENT. I'm done with this shit.

Gutter storms off the stage

Sunday, November 16, 2008

WCCF Norcia vs O'Brian

Live at the Bank Antlantic Center

Prelim Fights
Mei-Wa Ten d. Paiva DaSilva R2 4:36- KO Via Spin Kick, ***
A very exciting bout to start the show, as the two debuting fighters gave it their all to impress the WCCF staff and fans. Paiva's wrestling ability shined, but Mei-Wa delivered a flying knee, then a spinning kick to knock out DaSilva in style
"He Is Indeed" Seth Williams d. Randall "The Vandal" Baker R1 4:22 KO Via Punches, **
Baker put new meaning to the phrase "First Blood" by cutting Williams open with the very first punch of the bout. Unfortunately for "The Vandal" it was all downhill from there, as Williams, who has been in a slump as of late, EXPLODED and literally knocked Baker all over the ring, finishing him off with authority with a combo of punches.
"Amazon" Giselle Melendez d. Molly "The Hatchet" Greene R2 1:25 KO via Slam, ***
A David vs Goliath bout for sure, as Giselle is taller than anyone on the roster, male or female. Greene delivered a total flurry of combinations, and it looked like she was going to slay the giant. Melendez' power was too great, and eventually she PLANTED Greene into the canvas with a big slam.

Jake Ingram started the PPV portion of the show by addressing the fans.
Ingram: "Welcome MMA fans to WCCF presents Norcia vs O'Brian. The titular main event is without a doubt one of the most highly anticipated fights in WCCF's breif history, as Norcia and O'Brian have known each other in the past in the world of professional wrestling. We polled our fans at our official message board about tonight's show, and on if this match would be the fight of the night, the poll was all but unanamous. 98% of the polled voted for the main event. As to who would win, it's almost dead even, 52/48 Norcia.

The biggest question is Norcia's stamina. His last two fights were very decisive and one-sided, and he didn't take much punishment.

The keys to victory for Norcia: Strike hard and often, go for the early KO, and do NOT go to the ground except to finish.

For the champion: Utilize his reach advantage, attack the arms, and get Norcia on his back as soon as possible.

Another thing to note before we go on to our fights, there is a rumor going around our message boards that both Tina "The Meana" Franklin and Seth Williams have offered the number one contender for the Women's championship, Gutter. Seth Williams has gone on record and denied having contact with Gutter, however, The Meana's statement was a bit different. Listen:

Video of Tina Franklin sitting backstage
"Yeah, I offered Gutter to help her defend against Gordon, but she refused. Gordon's a great fighter, but she puts too much emphasis on pressuring the opponent and lets her guard down, and if Gutter prepares herself for it, she's going to be able to knock Gordon out for sure."

Ingram: Well there you have it, the former champion backing the challenger, and making a very bold prediction. Fans on our website have so far gone 80/20 Gordon, and 75% say the match will end in the first round, and not one person has said it will go to the fifth. Well without further ado, folks... tonight's theme is "Someone's Gotta Win". Many of the fights are with competitors who have yet to win, or recently suffered a big loss recently.

Sarah Martinez d Sakura Kazama 2R 2:11 Submission via North/South Knees, ***
Both women came into this fight winless, Martinez sticking to a conservative striking style while Kazama worked her over with armlocks. Martinez got her good with a Superman Punch, then she took over the momentum, finishing off Kazama with a series of brutal knees forcing a submission.
Craig Hennisey d. Tetsuya Miwaki 2R 2:24 Submission via Rolling Kneebar, ****
Hennisey came off a huge upset win over October Raven, and continued his winning streak shocking everyone in the BankAntlantic center by outwrestling Miwaki! Miwaki did get some good submission attempts in but Hennisey was able to escape them all, and also outdo him on the standup before finishing Miwaki off.
October Raven d. Akira Yamazaki 2R 3:21 TKO via Ref Stoppage, ****
This bout looked like it was going to be one-sided, and up until the second round it almost did, as Yamazaki seemed to outdo OR in the wrestling game. Eventually Raven imposed his will on Yamazaki, busting him open, and eventually Yamazaki's wounds would be so severe that the referee stepped in.
Gina Rocelli d. Tina "The Meana" Franklin 2R 4:26 KO via Suplex, *****
Fireworks from start to finish, as these two went at it, delivering many a kick and making even the referee wince. The only lull in the action was right before the end of the first round, and that one-minuite breather was more than enough to let them go right back at it! In the end it wasn't striking but wrestling that ended the bout, and everyone was on their feet when Big Bud called it. Okay, Tina wasn't, she was knocked out, but you know what I mean.
Intergender Match
"Death God" Seto Kazuyo d Patricia Jackson, 2R 3:34 KO via Punches, ****
The Death God was looking to end his two-loss streak, while PJ was looking to secure herself as the next #1 contender. What resulted was an epic wrestling battle, PJ's agressive choking strategy against Kazuyo's methodical approach. In the end, PJ ended up getting tired, and lost consiousness as Seto got her back from the standup and nailed a series of punched to her temple. PJ would suffer her first loss in WCCF, and the men would be 3-0 in intergender action.
Men's Division Title Match
Micheal Norcia d. Corey O'Brian 2R 2:21 TKO via Elbows, **** NEW CHAMPION
O'Brian was all over Norcia in the beginning, despite Norcia throwing bombs that landed right on the money. O'Brian's submission skills would seem to spell the doom of Norcia, but Norcia was able to survive, and moreover, make a HUGE comeback, hitting his "Hand of God" punch and finishing O'Brian off with elbows from the back mount to end the match.

Ingram: What a night of intense action! Quality action across the board including a kickboxing EPIC from the women, and while Norcia unseated O'Brian as champion, O'Brian proved that Norcia is beatable. I already hear the crowd chanting for a rematch, and while the decision on that is yet to come, I will say this: It's not IF they'll fight again, but WHEN. Next show will feature two women's phenoms as Gutter aims to be the youngest person ever to win an MMA championship at only 17 years old, but she'll have to find a way to beat Alicia Gordon to do it. Until then, folks, this is Jake Ingram saying so long.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Next WCCF Card: Norcia vs O'Brian

Men's Division Title Match: "Hand of God" Michael Norcia* vs Corey O'Brian
Intergender Match: Seto Kazuyo vs Patricia Jackson
Tina "The Meana" Franklin vs Gina Rocelli
Akira Yamazaki vs October Raven
Tetsuya "Genocide" Miwaki vs Craig Hennisey
Sarah Martinez vs Sakura Kazama
"Amazon" Giselle Melendez vs Molly "The Hatchet" Greene
Randall "The Vandal" Baker vs "He Is Indeed" Seth Williams
Mei-Wa Ten vs TBA